Welcome to my new address

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my new destination on the internet.

I recently moved my blog to this new site www.lazypineapple.com.

You already know that since you are here.

Why name your blog 'Lazy Pineapple' you might ask?

Its funny ,wacky and different.

And life is a gamble so isn't it apt to name it after a type of poker game.

I hope you will give the same love and affection to this site as you gave to 'Musings of my Mind'.

Do keep popping in, to say Hello and share your ideas and comments.

I look forward to meeting you here.


  1. Ohhhh!!This is a really nice change,Aquarius..congrats!!:)A big smile at the unusual name 'lazypineapple'..elaborate on the thought behind this title,please!!:)Cheerio!

  2. AMIT : Thanks dear...you are the first friend who has congratulated me for my website and am so glad. Well my hubby and I racked our brains for the name and were just googling stuff and found this poker game named 'Lazy Pineapple' and liked it so much that we decided to adopt it :)

  3. I like the name, the layout, and the 'pic' of the pineapple.

    Of course, I've always liked the content.

  4. When I saw there was a 'Lazy Pineapple' on my blog reader list, I wuz like....whos dat??
    Newayz....like ur new look.
    Its always nice to get creative once in a while and experiment with new things!!! :)

  5. Sumit : Thanks a ton for your support.

    Vyazz : Yes its great to have my own site. Thanks a ton :)

  6. cool vinnie ! u r indeed making strides !!keep it up !

  7. lazy pineapple is rather cute name.

  8. Ayon: Thanks so much :)

    Cynic : Thanks dear :)

  9. its a positive shift and next in the direction of becoming a full writer.. you are a fabulous writer..

    Congratulations for this and wishing our sincere prayers for your bright future

  10. Vijay : Thanks for your prayers and I hope and wish to move in that direction.

  11. Congratz...Vinni...Am so happy 4 u

  12. its a positive shift and next in the direction of becoming a full writer.. you are a fabulous writer..

    Congratulations for this and wishing our sincere prayers for your bright future


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