Hobby Horse

Since childhood my parents were very particular that all of us (Me and my two elder sisters) had a wide spectrum of choices in the arts and crafts field. They let us follow our creative pursuits and explore our natural talent.

As far as I can remember I have attended 'Kathak Classes' (Indian Classical dance), Singing lessons, drawing and painting, Judo and Karate, Guitar Classes.

The dance classes fizzled out after the excitement of one summer. There was a hobby class near our house and mom diligently took us to all the lessons. She also bought us a pair of 'Ghungroos'(Musical anklets...I really don't know the English version). The fun part was to tie them to our legs and make as much noise we can rather than actually practicing the steps.

My music lessons died a horrible death. I was in grade 6Th and my mom took us to a renowned singer who stayed close by. My good friend 'M' also joined the class with us. There were many other girls with us including one who was out of tune and completely oblivious of it for the entire time I was there in spite of the teachers best efforts. She sang with all the gusto she could muster which reminded me of a donkey's bray (Bitchy!!!). Also 'M' and I were more interested in the outside world rather than singing ourselves hoarse. One day, we were asked to all sing together, I thought it was more fun to just move your lips without bringing out the sound. It went on for a few sessions when one day I got a firing from mom since the teacher had complained (Spoilsport). 'M' was my naughty confidant in all these escapades. The turning point was the day 'Tuneless babe' was asked to sing a number. The moment she started braying oops..I mean singing, 'M' and I just could not hold it. We literally rolled on the floor (we used to sit cross legged on the floor) with laughter. It was just uncontrollable. My teacher decided she did not want to waste any efforts on me and I was promptly kicked out from the class (She fondly remembers my naughtiness now).

I loved drawing from early age and people said I had a knack for it. My grandfather used to drop me and pick me up from the class for many years since I started the lessons in 5th grade . I enjoyed it then and I still do but haven't dabbled in it since a few years.

I took up Judo and Karate for a year and actually enjoyed it. It needs a lot of dedication and practice and I got a yellow belt. If you ask me to defend myself now, the only thing I can do is scream my loudest which will be totally inspired by 'Tuneless babe.

Guitar playing is akin to riding a bicycle. You can never forget it once you've learnt how to do it. Just need to shake off the stiffness from my finger.

And finally 'blogging'. It’s my latest hobby and hope I will enjoy it for many years.
It’s helped me make friends and I am interacting with fabulous writers. Its opened avenues for me I had never thought of. I want to turn this hobby into a full time profession by doing content writing and also taking this website to a new level.

Hey!! you guys with the online jobs are you listening?


  1. I still remember the tuneless singing and how Jo complained to mom about you and a little mildly about me. It was hilarious. Ah! those were the days. I thought Kathak was mind numbingly boring. Must have been the teacher.

  2. Yes yes, listening ;)

    Check out elance for content writing jobs.

  3. anju : was that jo who complained about me :) I had completely forgotten. I used to like Kathak.

    J:Thanks for dropping in and giving me the hint. Will check out the site.

  4. I remember attending singing classes as a child. Though I had a good voice, I used to hate the fact that that I had been given a lot of homework (Riyaaz) and so quit the classes after a week.
    Now I regret not going for them, mebbe I might have been out there on Indian Idol :)
    Newayz the only hobby (apart from painting) which I have been able to stick to diligently so far is blogging (which I find strangely addictive).
    To each of his own I guess!!!

  5. vyazz: yeah it happens to all of us I guess. We keep moving to other hobbies as we grow up. Would love to hear you sing.

  6. I was never trained. Wished my mom would have allowed me to attend classes but I am good at singing and dancing. Won some prizes too. Painting- did not really try.

    I learnt latino dances after I started working. For now, I am enjoying blogging, not as a hobby but as a habit.

  7. Arunima : wow latino that is a really good thing :) I wish I could have learnt that...maybe in future :)

  8. Hey, just stumbled across here, read it, liked it, and now dropping a comment too :)
    I too liked painting a lot when a kid, i like it even now but somehow i don't dabbled in it too much, and i joined a singing class coz ppl used to say i had a good voice hence must put to use, i went there and while coming back i had decided that i am not going there tomm, she made me sing marathi bhajans the first day.
    Btw i've become a follower of your blog, do check out mine sometime, would love to hear from you, also i enjoyed reading yours. Would drop by as n when i can.
    Till then keep writing,

  9. HI ..I LOVE THE LAY OUT ..CAN U PPLZ TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT ..n wow ..a post which i feel i can relate to, i have had quite a few hobbies. most died their natural and un natural deaths ,but one still persists and i cant seem to get rid of it. Thats magic,i was a magicain n was preforming on stage since grade 3. Now i dont feel much up to for the shows but still i do one show a year for kids and i hold 5 day workshop to teach kids some magic tricks at a place called baljagat,[thats where other hobby classes are held too].
    will read some more of yours.
    In luv n light

  10. Rashmi : Thanks a ton for following. And thanks again for liking my posts :) looks like we are soul sisters singing wise and painting too.

    Shreesh : Hey Magic that fantastic. I am always fascinated by that. You should continue doing that its the most unique hobby I have ever heard of. And baljagat?? My oh my you are from my home town. And yes I can help you with your blog. Send me your mail id if that's ok with and we can then exchange mails. Do keep dropping in :)

  11. yes.. hobbies keep on evolving.. depending upon environment.. conditioning.. conditions..situations... needs.. happenings... motivation... all these are processes which evolves of its own...

    Result... your new web...

  12. vijay : yep I guess what you say is true...only thing is now I want to be consistent with my hobby :)

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  15. Shreesh :I misplaced your email id :( Please could you send it again. Thanks

  16. Hey that's cool yaar! You've enjoyed a lot of hobbies! Btw, if u need a home-based job in content writing, do let me know. I can refer ur CV to my ex-boss. He was a cool dude as a boss and the payments were timely.

  17. Kaddu: Neki aur pooch pooch...yes please I would love to work from home. I will send you a mail :)

  18. Kaddu: Neki aur pooch pooch...yes please I would love to work from home. I will send you a mail :)


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