Its raining 'creativity'

As you all know I recently moved my blog to my own domain name. When I decided to do that I went through a really exhausting time deciding which template to use and how could I make my blog look nice and appealing.

While surfing on the internet I came across really amazing and absolutely brilliant designers who are letting people use their templates for free.

I would like to acknowledge their work in this post and thank them for their hard work and creativity and letting me use their stuff for free.

My blog template is from 'Template Mama' and the cute Comments Blinkie and the other colourful buttons are from another Creative lady called 'April Showers'.

Friends do visit these blogs and have a look at the wonderful assortment of Templates and accessories you can use to decorate your blog.

Happy Hunting!!


  1. I agree they indeed do a gr8 job :) kudos to them.

  2. yes there are people who are very creative..

    more creative they are by sharing their creations...

    They are really true persons..

    Our best wishes for them..

  3. Rashmi : Thanks :)

    Vijay : True and thanks for your comment

  4. Congrats for your own domain. I am also buying one shortly for my blog. And yes the template is really nice and soothing and interesting. :) Have a nice time :)

  5. Template Mama is cool...have bookmarked it.

    But changing template is a pain - moving all firneds, links and logos etc.

    I do it manually - link by link...
    Any simple tricks for that?

    BTW, my observation has been that the templates for Wordpress are more creative than for Blogger.

  6. Jagjit : Hey thats great .....congrats and all the best. Thanks it did take a lot of effort to put this up :)

    Kaustubh : Yeah isn't she cool :) I also liked wordpress templates more but unfortunately realised it pretty late when I was already quite active on blogger.

  7. Jagjit : Hey thats great .....congrats and all the best. Thanks it did take a lot of effort to put this up :)

    Kaustubh : Yeah isn't she cool :) I also liked wordpress templates more but unfortunately realised it pretty late when I was already quite active on blogger.


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