Winners of the 5th Blogiversary Giveaway

The winners of the Blogiversary Give away are

1) Aditi Purohit
2) Shilpa Garg

Congratulations !!!!

To be frank, only these two people participated in the Blogiversary competition, which albeit a bit disappointing was much better than no one taking part. I am giving away Flipkart vouchers worth Rs. 250 to each of both these lovely ladies. 

It was quite easy to find the answers, you had to just use the search button on my blog and Voilà, you would have all the answers in 15 minutes. 

1) A post about ridiculous things people say - People say the darnedest things

2) A post where I talk about my hair woes- Hairy Tales

3) A post where I just manage to make Paneer (Cottage Cheese)- Cooking tips for the uninitiated 1

4) A post where I talk about the birds and bees with someone- How to talk dirty, to a teenager

5) A post where the Bollywood mother reigns supreme- Mothers day special

6) A post where I review an unintentionally funny Hindi movie - Killerk

7) According to me, what things should one not do in public?- 5 things you should never do in public

8) A post where I write a story about Kaveri ? Is she able to break out of the shackles of prostitution? - Divine Prostitution 

9) A post where I talk about my errant eyebrows - SNAFU

10)  What is the name of the book that I have co-authored and also the name of my Content writing company? Newspapers- an untapped medium and The Scribbling Pad

Please send me your addresses and I will send you the vouchers.

Thanks for taking part and making this occasion special.


  1. Yahoo!! That's awesome! You made my day!! Thank you, Vinita :) And congratulations, Aditi :)

  2. debajyotighosh2 April 2013 at 18:18

    damn, i just had to search on your blog! i thought it would be difficult to find the answers.

    but i am going to read all these posts.tonight. congratulations to all the winners

  3. Congratulations to both the winners

  4. congratulations to the winners :-)

  5. :)) Yayyyyyyyyyyyy...Thanks Shilpa and congrats to you too :))

  6. Are sahiii...Ekdam mahol.... Zakas news......Thanks Vinita :)

  7. Yesss..that is all. Let me know which ones you liked :)

  8. Congratulations to both of you!

    I didn't take part in the competition, Vinita, simply because I am in the US so I could not have used the coupons!


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