The Hobbit- An unexpected journey

People who are fans of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" are in for a treat, when they get to see "The Hobbit- An unexpected journey". This Movie is again a trilogy based on the fantasy novel by J.R.R. Tolkien and is the prequel to the "Lord of the Rings". This Movie is again directed by Peter Jackson who has done a wonderful job.

Image Courtesy: Warner Brothers
The story is about Bilbo Baggins who is Frodo's uncle and of his adventure with a group  of dwarves who are on a quest to reclaim their kingdom "Erebor" from the terrible dragon called "Smaug". The story is set 60 years before the LOTR. This motley crew of dwarves is led by their warrior prince "Thorin Oakenshield" and accompanying them is "Gandalf the Grey", the wizard, who was also there in LOTR. Their journey takes them through difficult terrains, beautiful landscapes and the land of middle earth filled with fearsome Orcs, goblins and trolls. This Movie also has the loathsome character "Gollum" who is as cunning and lusting after "Precious" just like in the Movie "LOTR"

The story will show you the transformation of Bilbo Baggins from a Hobbitt who worries about his mother's dishes and is happy to be in his own home, to a person who stands up to fight the ferocious pale Orc and saves the life of Thorin. Martin Freeman has done justice to his role of Bilbo Baggins. He slips into the role effortlessly just like the way he did as Dr. Watson in the modern day "Sherlock Holmes" series.

The cinematography and the locations are breathtaking. It is a visual treat to see the Movie. The acting is again very good and is fun and playful at many places which gives comic relief from many of the intense battle scenes. The 3D effects are so good that many times you feel you need to duck as a boulder comes crashing down. The scenes when two mountains come alive and fight with each other is simply superb. The background score again does justice to the Movie but in many places it is very similar to the LOTR. The vulnerability of Bilbo's character is endearing and of course Gandalf is as good as he was in LOTR, a wise wizard who knows how to bring out the best in people.
Image Courtesy: Warner Brothers

One of the drawbacks of the Movie was it's length. The Movie runs for nearly 2 hours and 45 minutes. It would have been more effective had it been just a 2 hours Movie. Also, some scenes could have been shortened in length, such as, when the dwarves land up at Bilbo's house in Bagend or when they meet the Brown wizard. Also, I felt the characters of the 12 dwarves were not etched properly. You cannot make out one dwarf from the other as none of them have been shown to be having any special qualities. This makes it difficult for you to bond with the characters as you cannot think of them as individuals.  

In spite of the drawbacks, I believe this Movie is again going to be a masterpiece just llike LOTR because of the sheer brilliance with which the story has been filmed. The story is gripping and at the end of it you just want to know what will happen next. The message of the Movie is again heart warming, which shows you that no matter how small or ordinary you are, you can still make a difference.


  1. I liked the LOTR trilogy. So, this one would be good to watch too and that it is in 3D, it will be a double treat! Thanks for sharing the review. It will not be this weekend for us, but may be next one should be for The Hobbit! :)

  2. it is strange , all english movies seem to come to india before they come ot UK nowadays ..

    I am definitely watching this one for sure


  3. themoonstone.wordpress.com16 December 2012 at 12:36

    On my list to watch as I had loved LOTR.. Nice review !

  4. Roshan Radhakrishnan16 December 2012 at 17:07

    i'm so looking forward to seeing this... I remember being mermerized by his work in the LOTR... that was nearly a decade ago. Cant wait to see the magic once more :)

  5. I am sure you will love it. I thought the 3D effects were good..

  6. Really? that is definitely strange. It could be because India is a bigger market...

    Do see is worth the money..

  7. Ahh yes then you will definitely love this.

  8. The work here is even better since technology improved so much over the decade since LOTR released. You will like it.

  9. I really wanted to see this movie but then seeing the ticket prices, I dropped the idea. Instead I went ahead and did a shopping worth 4000 Rs. Now I am feeling like a complete idiot.

  10. What I like about these movies is the cinematography. They are simply great.

  11. Thanks for the movie review. I have read the book and liked it very much!

  12. A Liebster comin' up for ya !


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