Freebie and Giveaway time

I know all of you rushed to this blog, when you read the word "Giveaway". We all love a good deal and especially when something is free. 

This giveaway is sponsored by "Magical Homes", and one of you could be the lucky winner.

"Magical Homes is a site about décor and lifestyle. A place that you can walk in with a cup of coffee and find décor tips, relationship advice and even parenting guides. It's a site that endeavours to make your home a magical place. Magical Homes will also from time to time bring you offbeat products, that you can buy online. Products will be directly from craftsmen or from DIY by readers."

To win the fabulous set of Silver and Blue table mats (set of 6) , all you have to do is:

1) Tell us which article you liked the most from the website and why .You can find them here.

2) Like them on Facebook here.

This contest is open only to the residents of India and will close on 12th December. 

Please do remember to leave a valid email address along with your comment, so that we can inform the winner via email. The comments will be approved only after the contest is over. The winner will be chosen at random, from all the answers we receive.

May the lucky person win. All the best!

The Blue and Silver table mat set


  1. That's a fab initiative and a cool giveaway too! I liked the article, "Inculcating a reading habit in your child - A parenting guide". I am a firm believer that reading should start early in kids, as reading is that wonderful journey that opens so many worlds for you! When you start this habit in a kid early, you gift a lifelong love of reading in your child! Wonderful tips for parents! Very practical and very do-able too.

  2. Fabulous Idea !"Inculcating a reading habit in your child - A parenting guide"..this is the article I liked, as I am a voracious reader myself and know the advantages of reading, it makes one so much more aware and empathetic. And so i want everyone to inculcate this habit in children and better to start from the beginning only....

  3. although most of the articles are informative and well written . My favourite of all article is -"Inculcating a reading habit in your child - A parenting guide". I have seen kids who are glued to TV and don't read books as well as who love reading and keep away from the idiot box . There is so much difference in kid's nature ,and true this habit has to be inculcated early . After all books are the best friends one can have .

  4. only for residents of india, not fair .. fine i will not read it then :)

    I have a home in india too though he he he

    but a lovely giveaway all the best to everyone


  5. I have to say my vote goes for 'Are parents saying No less often to Children'.

    This, in my opinion, is a very relevant and important topic in today's India.

    We're entering a stage where it's becoming routine to molly coddle kids and give in to their demands, rather than try to teach them valuable lessons.

    All children make mistakes but instead of correcting them, by showing them they can get away with it, we are setting a horrible example for the future. It may seem a small deed as a kid, but the values instilled last forever.

    email : pythoroshan (at)

  6. Thanks for letting us know about this site. I really appreciated the article 'Helping Your Husband Bond With the New Baby' - often the poor Dad's get quite ignored! :)

  7. Arundhati Venkatesh10 December 2012 at 16:57

    Nice to see that the majority of votes are for my article on reading :) Good to see like-minded folks here. Do hop over to where we review children's books and interview the makers.


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