Winner of Caption Contest 6 ‘You think you are funny?

Thank you for your Captions. It was quite difficult to choose the winners :)

The winners for the 6th edition are:

1) Smitha : Just what we need on a hot afternoon, cool water lapping at our feet, and our favourite soap on tv!

2) The Holy Lama : Family wet together


I am so pleased to give away this trophy to you.


Thank you all for participating and hope to see you this Wednesday for the next edition.


  1. Congratulations to the winners :) I would like to participate in the next one... sounds like a lot of fun :)

  2. congratulations to the winners!!

  3. LOL!! Congratulations, Smitha & The Holy Lama

  4. These were funny. Congrats to the winners. Looking forward to the next contest.

  5. Congrats to the winners! The Holy Lama - way to go!

  6. Thanks so much LP. Did not get a chance come over and thank you :) I never end up participating as I land here late everytime :) So happy to participate and win too :) Made my day :) Thanks and waiting for your next one :)

  7. Haha...congrats to the winners.:)

  8. Thank You. And congrats to Smitha too. I'm elated :D

  9. Hahhaha...nice concept, Lazypineapple. :)

  10. I was in hurry when I last visited this blog. That's why I missed this. Funnier side even in distress.


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