Highway Glory

It started as a usual lazy Sunday morning. Getting up late and having breakfast at a leisurely pace. I was trawling the Internet looking for entertainment and found that 'Wake up Sid' the new Bollywood movie was running at a cinema in a nearby town. Anytime we want to watch a Hindi movie, we have to drive to another town which has more of a Hindi speaking population. This time it turned out to be a town called 'Blackburn', around 35 miles from where we live. We made it to the movie and found that there were only two other people besides us to see the movie. After the movie, we decided to head to another town called 'Bolton' another 12 miles from 'Blackburn'. My boss owns an amazing restaurant called 'Sizzling Palate' in Bolton.

After having skipped lunch, I was looking forward to a well deserved Sizzler. Working for the boss does have some privileges. Hubs and I were bombarded with special treatment and yummy food. Never have I tasted such delicious sizzler..not even in India. With fully satisfied taste buds and a memorable day, we decided to make the finale with a 'Meetha Paan'.

I was looking forward to reaching home and crawling into a warm bed after eating so much that my stomach was about to burst at the seams. We tootled off on the motorway towards home. After driving for about 10 miles, a weird sound emanating from the car broke our daze. The engine temperature needle had swerved towards the red end. Heeding to the motorway rules we pulled on the hard shoulder of the road and put up the hazard lights . As the norm goes hubs proceeded to poke his nose under the hood and tinker around a bit. (Why do all men think that they are super duper mechanics?)

It was a cold night with the mercury dipping below 10 deg, which on open roads and countryside feels close to freezing. With hubs spurting ominous statistics about number of accidents happening on motorway while sitting in broken down vehicles, I dragged myself out from the car just like a reluctant bride on the altar.

Hubs in the meantime had called up our Insurance company and a vehicle recovery request was put across. The estimated time for the pick-up was 'Within one hour'. To suppress the need to pee and to bring to life my freezing butt both of us started an impromptu dance by the roadside. Thankfully, it was dark and people in passing vehicles could not see our faces.

The recovery guy arrived 45 minutes later and towed our car and gave us a lift back home. All in all, a decent film, a fantastic dinner and dancing on the highway turned out to be a pretty interesting weekend.


  1. Asach hota - sizzler + meetha paan = car kharaab. Its all Ani's fault anyways ;)

  2. hahhaa Nikhil you got that right....it's all Ani's fault...

  3. :) seems like a very interesting evening :)

  4. Dancing on the highway sounds like fun!

  5. Doli : Oh yes it was. Thankfully it was not raining so we were lucky :)

    Cynic: Yep, You should try that sometimes :)

  6. Movie...Delicious food ,night drive... Dancing on road.. Wow what more u want.. :) i enjoyed just by picturising everything :)

  7. Rajlakshmi: Glad you stopped by. Yes it was real fun :) especially the fun ride in the tow truck back home.

  8. ROFL from Baroda-I'd have given anything to watch that dance on the road- did you keep a camera/cellphone cam on the car and record by any chance?
    LOL at the 'It's all Ani's fault'-yes,we poor guys are always to blame in such situations,I guess..sighhhh!!:)

  9. hey Amit: Oh it was too dark on the highway. and it was just spur of the moment. So never thought of doing that.
    Could not blame the car....that left ani....

  10. ha ha ha nice writing!!!

  11. Thanks a lot Lemony tree. Glad you stopped by :)

  12. Thanks a lot Lemony tree. Glad you stopped by :)


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