Fair maidens or plain slobs?

To most people, I come across as a calm, collected and level headed person. My childhood and college friends know me as a very different person . I was notorious in my neighbourhood as a gang leader of kids. I was a fair leader, broke up fights, and introduced new games. I always had the passion for directing plays and even script writing. I made all my young friends perform in the plays I wrote. Unfortunately, the only bit of direction I now do is, 'try' to make Hubs do the dishes (mostly things don't work as per my script now).

I stepped out of my hometown after my graduation and moved to another city for my post graduation. That was my first taste of freedom and I managed to have a good time in spite of my elder sister watching my every move. After graduation, I moved to another city for my first job. Soon I came back licking my wounds after having been made redundant after the dot.com crash in my first job.

Soon after, I started living in an apartment shared by six other girls. We were three girls in one bedroom; there were three in another and another girl in the third room. We all shared a kitchen, loo, and bathroom. As per rota, each of the girls was to clean the common areas once every 2 days. Four of us were diligent and proceeded to clean as per the rota. The other three always skipped their turn and never paid heed to our requests. I am a neat freak when it comes to the loo and the kitchen; their behaviour really ticked me off. One fine day, after tolerating the gruesome threesome (GT) for a few weeks, I went and purchased a huge lock and locked the loo with it. Four of us shared the key. The 'GT' were in for a shock when they found a huge padlock hanging on the loo door. It was a Kodak moment. I wish I had clicked a picture then. First they got angry, then amazed, then begged me to open the door and when I refused, they were on the verge of tears (Evil me).

They ran to the Landlord to make a complaint (He stayed in a flat just above ours). I had already roped in Mr. Landlord in our scheme and he had agreed with my idea. The result was that the girls got back on track and never tried to pull a fast one by not cleaning up.

I recall another horror story from one of my hostel living days. I shared a room with a girl from Mauritius. I became an object of pity when other girls in the hostel came to know who my roommate was. Soon enough the mystery was solved. My roommate was a pig in human clothing. In the entire 2 months I stayed in that room, I never saw her wash any clothes. Leave aside jeans and tops not even undergarments. She stank and always looked like a street person, I always wondered if she ever bathed. One fine day I come back to the hostel from work and I see her wearing a pair of my socks. I donated her that pair and arranged to move to a different room the same day.

The whole gender based assumption ‘Men in general are untidy and not too high on personal cleanliness’ actually went out of the window after staying with slobs in my hostel days. I found that women are equally untidy and unclean. Moreover, given a chance can even make men appear to be the 'epitome of cleanliness'.


  1. ROTFL!! That padlock idea was brilliant and well, the very thought of going unwashed and unclean with filthy undies is UGH!

  2. Slobs are certainly not gender specific , I guess. I have come across men and women who are total slobs too!

  3. Haha-even in Dubai,I've heard of this-where a group of 4-5(sp girls) stay in a room, and, three do all the work and the other 2 shirk their duties..wait till I tell my colleague about the padlock idea..She'll be thrilled.
    As for the Mauritian-hahaha!Forget students,we had a professor who never used to change his clothes..we used to count how many consecutive days he did not change his clothes..:)
    And,another guy at work-(a Paki) in my prev co was the same-we could tell he was near even with our eyes closed-just the sense of smell was enough!:!)

  4. Sumit: Yeah I was quite evil in those days hehehe...marriage has mellowed me :)

    wordsndreamz : Yep, women are equally unhygienic...wonder where the nurturing instinct in women disappears in some people.

    Amit: hahahha...we had a classmate in graduation. My besty and I used to call him Dracula as I guess he never ever brushed his teeth.

  5. Dear Calm,cool and levelheaded person,it's time to post!!!Itna bhi calm na hoyein,ki post karne ki energy bhi na ho!!:):)

  6. Amit: haha no yaar nothing like that....i am going to post soon.thanks for nudging me....

  7. lock idea would be verr verr effective. pity no snaps could be taken tho.

  8. I've heard a lot of stories like this, and I think you've got a point there: many women too do not take personal cleanliness seriously and what a dampener it can be for others around them.

  9. many welcomes Sanand...thanks for dropping in and commenting....I have my fair share of slobs when I was in college.

  10. Hey Vinita ,I loved the article about the dirty girl from Mauritius.Poor you

  11. Thanks Rana :) yeah truly it was awful...

  12. Thanks Rana :) yeah truly it was awful...


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