The Bucket List

Early morning and I had just opened my mail and a friend of mine started chatting with me and asked me this incredulous question "Is the world coming to an end?" I brushed it off by joking and having a good laugh.
Out of curiosity I checked a few news sites and I came across a few articles about the "Big Bang" Experiment being conducted by CERN scientists near the French-Swiss Border.I also read about the mass panic back home where people are predicting Apocalypse and are rushing to temples in the hope of stopping it.

It got me thinking about "What if, it actually happened?".I have still not done so many things in life.There are so many places I have still not seen.I eventually started thinking about a list of things I plan to do before the world comes to an end or I die (I am not being morbid about it).

1) Fall in love with my husband all over again.

2) Tell my parents how much I love and respect them.How they have been a pillar of support my entire life.

3) Tell both my sisters how much I miss them and their pampering (Since I am the youngest) and how much I love them.

4) Hear the patter of tiny feet in my house (Adopt a child).

5) Thank my Mother-in-law for making my Husband what he is today.Also thank her for being such a great 2nd mother to me.

6) Thank my bro-in-laws for being so good to my sisters.

7) Be a good friend to my eldest nephew and meet my younger niece and nephew once more and hear them talk.

8) Adopt one of Buddy's(My pet dog who is now adopted by a wonderful family) puppies.

9) See Mount Everest , visit Venice , see Egypt and the Pyramids.

10) Visit Newyork and London -the two most exciting cities in the world.

11) Ride a Horse on a sunswept beach in the caribbean.

12) Learn Swimming and Salsa.

13) Eat authentic Pizza in a Italian village.

14) See the "Wailing Wall" and pay respect to the people who died in "Auschwitz-Birkeanu Concentration Camps".

15) Visit the "Serengeti National Park".

16) Learn Dog Training and start my own school.

17) Meet all my old friends and tell them how each of them have touched and enriched my Life.

18) Have a romantic dinner with my Husband on a Yacht in the middle of a ocean.

19) Patch up with my best friend and let her know how much I miss her and the crazy times we've had.

20) Do bungee jumping and sky diving.

My list reminds me of the movie "The Bucket List" in which Moragn freeman and Jack Nicholson try to do all the things on their list before both of them die of Terminal Cancer.

I will try to do as many things I can on the list even if the world is not coming to an end. This will be my "Bucket List".


  1. Hey Vinni
    Firstly sorry...Secondly this write up was so inspirin to an extent that i made a list of what i want to do b4 d worlds vanishes.....N i guess u know what is at the top of the list....Trust me god shud give every1 a chance to do what they want before anything like dis really happens......


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