Attack of two legged Lancaster MBA grads

I am sure your curiosity must be piqued by title of this post.Since my husband has finished his MBA course, we vacated the campus flat and moved in to a rental apartment in the town.It a nice comfortable apartment which is completely furnished.
It has real comfy,"sink into me type" couches and the works .

We moved into the flat by 5th sept and since then there has been a steady stream of people coming over for dinners. It's the time to say goodbyes and making promises to keep in touch.

Three days back we had a curious mix of people who resided with us for a short duration till the time they could move to more permanent accomodation.We had a Brazilian , a taiwanese and an Indian, who are my husbands classmates stay at our place.

Our 2nd bedroom(its actually quite small) has no place to walk,its filled with luggage,bags ,pots and pans and what nots.I think its permanently going to be turned into a store room.

This curious mix of friends brought a lot of fun and laughter along with them. Even though I am still tired after a very tiresome work week and no rest over the weekend, I am missing them now. It was so great to see people from such diverse cultures having a good time together.

My culinary skills were definitely put to a test though. Since completely non spicy food was the order of the day. The brazilian friend has learnt to cook Indian and uses Turmeric and chilli powder as if he used it every day back home.

I am going to miss these times when we were attacked by two legged Lancaster Grads. Very few people get a chance to mix with people from so many different nations and backgrounds. Make friends with people from rival countries and forget our differences. I had a great time getting to know these people and will always cherish these memories.


  1. Nice post Vins. Looking forward to more such lighthearted ones.

  2. The situation reminds me of the fun movie L'Auberge Espagnole.

    You experienced something unique, we led a very ghettoised life in grad school due to the high Indian student population.

  3. The situation reminds me of the fun movie L'Auberge Espagnole.

    You experienced something unique, we led a very ghettoised life in grad school due to the high Indian student population.


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