The Indian Angel or a Devil in Disguise?

I have had my share of Indian Bosses when I was working back home in India.

They come in various shapes and sizes....and Mentalities.

Since I was always moving from one city to another,owing to my husbands job.I had the opportunity of working for varied organisations with dramatically different work cultures.

I have had bosses with whom I have shared a very good Rapport and then what can we say about those who haunt your nightmares and you wish you'd rather make his "Voodoo doll" and stick pins in it than bear working with him.

Well this post is not about badmouthing bosses.Since we spend most of our waking hours working...its an attempt to understand this species "The Indian Boss".

Some of them could give Hitler a Run for his money...with their rules and and wacko way of working.Quite a few of them do try to be really fair and some set such good examples that you just cannot forget them for their decency,fairness and leadership.

When I was working for a reputed Insurance company in India I had a boss who was plain mean.He was so insecure of his own position that he laid stringent rules which he himslf did not adhere to.Most of them were to apply his policy of Divide and Rule.
Since Indian work culture gives "Boss" lot of power ,the employees are left at his mercy.Most of the Bosses are moving towards achieving the companys's missions.But their own insufficiencies do mar the way of progress. Employees who are in the boss's Favourites Category have a upper hand on those mortals who dont like patronising.The "Favourites" have better chances of getting promoted ,even if, they have not worked throughout the year.Also politics is rampant ,as the leader himself encourages it.

The other category though rare still ,does exist.These people will lead you through tough times motivate you and be fair to everyone.The organisations progress is on the top of their mind.There are no hidden agendas and the typical politics.I have come across such people and they have left a distinct mark in my memory.They have added a different facet to my personality.

Since the influx of lot of Multinational companies, the culture of companies is changing. The typical image of the boss is slowly getting a "makeover".Bosses are here to stay.
They are the essential kegs in the wheel of Industry.
Even though we love to hate them they are a distinct part of our corporate culture.


  1. Hey,
    I got your blog from your sis. Nice to read your musings. This analysis of bosses is applicable for bosses in the US too. Sadly, I have noticed very few bosses are truly interested in their direct reports' career growth. I was lucky to have both good and bad bosses. I appreciate the good ones more now having been subjected to the whims of the insecure kind.


  2. Hi,

    I felt a ray of hope when I read your article. It seems you have worked with quite a few Indian bosses. Could you please please please give us some tips to a good work environment please? What should I do? I have suffered with one boss after another in my 4 years of career. I have even tried to suicide twice. I feel my life is jinxed. Especially the Tamil bosses are too much. In my 4 years I have worked for 11 bosses (2 companies total). Every one of them is an absolute moron. I'm fed up of my working life but working in a software company is the only thing I can do.

    Please give me some tips on how to deal with bosses please? My life just doesnt give me a break. <sorry for the emotional outburst but it is the tip of the iceberg considering the state I am in). I used to be very cool and relaxed in my college but my work life is screwing me up big time (here in Bangalore).


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