Coffee and Conversations

Last week I made a new friend called Harriet and we met up for Coffee at Pizzetta..a cafe in the University...

I had expected for the chat to be brief...since what could a Swede and Indian talk about...
Harriet is a very interesting person........Outspoken, direct and full of fun.

We met at 3 pm and were still chatting after 3.5 hours...given a chance we would have gone on....

All my pre conceived notions about our cultural differences vanished...
Inspite of being brought up in such different became evident that these differences is what makes people so interesting....

Our converstion moved freely from topics wide and varied....from Tolkiens "Lord of the Rings" to Free which Harriet plans to do her Ph D to families and husbands...

It felt so great cause we connected so well... religious and cultural differences were forgotten in this journey towards friendship..


  1. Yes such things happen.. when we meet some one 1st time a stranger.. and U liked the person and ones personality.. U feel U have met earleir.. some times U meet some one in Chats and U become friends for ever.. U feel for each other.. Some time a boss becomes a frend for ever...

    You are one such pperson which every one will cherish to have..

    Keep moving the same way ..

  2. Yes such things happen.. when we meet some one 1st time a stranger.. and U liked the person and ones personality.. U feel U have met earleir.. some times U meet some one in Chats and U become friends for ever.. U feel for each other.. Some time a boss becomes a frend for ever...

    You are one such pperson which every one will cherish to have..

    Keep moving the same way ..


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