40 Content Ideas for anyone who wants to post on social media

"I want to write, but I don't know what I should write about"

"I don't know from where you get the ideas to write about, I am not that creative"

"Writing is hard, I don't know where to start"

These are some of the typical statements I get to hear from people who don't know what content to put up on social media.

When I had started my writing journey, I was writing stories about my everyday experiences. It took me a while to get confident about my writing. Some days, it did get difficult to write but I did not give up. Even now, I do have the so-called "writer's block" but I don't give up and keep thinking about content ideas.

Why it is important to write your ideas and share with the world?

If people stopped posting content that they truly believe in, then here's what's going to happen
  • We will lose out on a lot of great content such as knowledge and narratives that can make a difference.
  • The world will miss out on all the revolutionary product ideas from those millions of people who are not sharing their content or publishing on social media.
I believe it is the fear of getting judged that stops most of them from sharing content.

Why must you share your own content?

  1. It is fulfilling to put forward your ideas to the world
  2. It's a great way to connect to like-minded people
  3. You become better at communicating your thoughts and ideas to others
  4. It is great fun
  5. From a professional point of view, it will make you a subject matter expert and people will reach out to you for advice, solutions, jobs, etc.

Before you start publishing content, you might need to keep some things in mind:

Which social media do you plan to post on?
Who is your target audience

Here's the list of 40 content ideas you can use to post on social media. You can write on these topics:

  1. Things that make you happy
  2. Things that make you sad
  3. What inspires you
  4. About a person that inspires you
  5. A friend and how you became friends with that person
  6. A tough situation you faced and what you learned from it
  7. Recommend a product and what about that product you found was good
  8. About a service you used and what you liked about it
  9. Ask a question about something you don't know about
  10. Write a story
  11. Review a book
  12. Review a movie
  13. A trip you took
  14. A restaurant review
  15. Share one of your childhood memories
  16. Talk about what you do and where you work
  17. What do you like about the place you work
  18. A 'How-to' post
  19. Your reading list
  20. A customer testimonial
  21. An interesting article/blog post you read recently and your thoughts on it
  22. A recipe and share the step by step process on how to make a dish
  23. A fiction piece
  24. A funny incident that happened with you
  25. Your reflections about pain, fear, insecurities
  26. About common mistakes, people make when using your product
  27. A funny meme/inspirational poster
  28. The best video you saw recently and share about why you think it was the best
  29. A resource list
  30. A list of best free tools
  31. A list of podcasts on a specific topic
  32. A list of music you love
  33. A list of free ebooks with the links where you can download them
  34. A list of free online courses on the topic of your relevance
  35. Interview an expert
  36. A list of important events/conferences/ training seminars on a relevant topic
  37. If you gave a job interview, write your experience
  38. If you interviewed someone for a job, what was it that helped you make a decision
  39. A reflective post on how you were and how you have changed
  40. How do you celebrate life?

Writing is just like any other art form. All you need to do is practice and practice some more. Don't be afraid to post. Let your imagination soar and very soon you will have people engaging with you and your ideas.

What do you think of the list? Did you find it helpful?

Would love to know your thoughts.

P.S.: Part 2 of this post coming up soon :)


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