Some bit of drivel and other wow moments

I know, I have been blogging sporadically and not visiting other blogs. The dwindling comments on my previous posts are a testimony for this erratic behavior. Okay... I have to admit, I have been plain lazy, distracted and having quite bit of fun. 

What when the elder sis comes to India, with my adorable niece and nephew (twins). Life just came to a standstill, for me, when I went to my hometown and met these munchkins. I had forgotten what fun it was to be a child and to draw and color and play hide and seek. Among numerous rounds of playing UNO and putting mehendi on tiny chubby hands...time just flew by. Sticky kisses and the sound of "minnie mousie" (that is what they call me) is what I miss the most now. Going on shopping trips to our old college day haunts and new malls with sis darling consumed my time.

It is been good two weeks since I am back home, but I am just not able to shake off the hangover of those two marvelous weeks. Doing bucket loads of laundry and dusting the house was how I was jolted back to reality. 

Life fell back to the old rhythm, work poured in and consumed some part of my life. I saw some god awful movies like "Once upon a time in Mumbai- Dobara" (more on that in a later post) and somewhat bearable "Chennai express". SRK needs to start doing character roles pronto...he looks plain old.

Then came the Indiblogeshwaris (this is a group on Facebook exclusively for women bloggers)  meet. Earlier,I had plans to join the gang in Lonavala the next day. But fate intervened and I landed meeting up the merry gang of women at a popular restaurant in amchi Mumbai. 

The next day a gang of chatty and absolutely fun women loaded themselves in a car and off we went to Lonavala for a short break. The outing was just what the doctor ordered, refreshing and rejuvenating. I got to know this mad gang of women who know how to laugh and have the time of their lives. I am glad I chose to go.

The weather was perfect and all around you could see the entire valley was looking like a beautiful bride, decked in Green, which is the auspicious color of prosperity.

Leaving you with some misty shots of Lonavala.


  1. Nice post...nice pics...glad we was definitely a break my doctor ordered too...had so much fun :) Thanks for the company Vinita :) <3

  2. Wow.. The pics look refreshing and lovely.. So nice to hear that you had a lovely time with your elder sisters kids.. I really didn't want to see once upon a time in Mumbai but will wait for your review.. If its good I will definitely give it a watch.. New to your blog.. Nice blog.. Following you..!!

  3. Ah so nice to be having all that fun when creatures like us are slogging :). And it is so amazing spending time with kids, when they are not crying and throwing tantrums of course :).

  4. Thanks Kajal for stopping by :) the trip was such a good way to make new friends and I am glad we met...

  5. Thanks Priya for following the blog and showing faith :P I had a lovely time especially so because I had never met anyone earlier and just knew them through their blogs and facebook :)

  6. Tch Tch Rachna...all work and no play will make you crazy. It was fun spending time with the kids...yeah I agree on the tantrum bit...that was handled by my sister :P I was the fun aunt...

  7. sigh... was in Pune for three years and never got to see Lonavala. Nice pics :D

  8. I think I should try Ervamtin :) Grow hair nd masquerade as a Indiblogeswari :)

  9. Oh nooo..that is must make a visit here Roshan...

  10. heheh...I am trying to imagine you as one Suresh :P

  11. That looks like a lot of fun. I enjoyed the pics that you shared on Facebook.

  12. Thanks was a marvelous trip :)


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