I was interviewed by "The Pioneer"

Hello, hello, hello!!

It is been ages since I penned down something, not that I was having a writer's block. Work and more work has kept me busy and I am glad for that. The past few months have been quite stressful and work helped me not sit down and wallow in pity.

Many people reached out to me after I wrote My experiments with infertility and Dealing with infertility. Some got in touch via email, some via Facebook, and many others though the group I started on Facebook called "Aadhar".

One day I get an email from the newspaper, "The Pioneer", asking me, whether I would be comfortable talking about my experience. Since I was always vocal about my experience with infertility, I had no qualms talking about it.

I was interviewed over the telephone and the article was published on 2/2/2013. Here is the link to the article.

The Baby Trap

What are your thoughts after reading the article? Do let me know.


  1. It takes so much courage to be open about such issues as sensitive as these! Glad you brought light to the lives of people who are finding it hard to deal with.

    Will watch this space more often

    kindly visit


  2. Fertility Goddess22 February 2013 at 02:25

    A very good article and I am glad that you are trying to help others who are in a similar situation as you are.

  3. Good work Vinita. There are few who are ready to talk about it. I know of a couple in Pune who faced the same problem and more than that, the problem created by the society. (finally they had quadrapulets)

  4. Thanks Corinne :) It is because of the support of friends like you that I was able to take this action...

  5. Thanks Shilpa :) Caring friends like you help me to be a strong woman...

  6. Yes, I agree..I want to talk on behalf of people who are suffering, just like me..

  7. Thanks..I believe that If I can speak about it, I should. After all there is too much stigma attached to this..

  8. Thanks Joe. I agree that not many people can talk mainly because they are scared of society or because their family is not supportive...

    Glad to know that the couple found their rays of sunshine...

  9. Congratulations and Kudos to your spirit

  10. themoonstone.wordpress.com23 February 2013 at 13:05

    Very relevant article Vinita ! With more and more couples facing infertility due to various reasons in today's fast life style, in the background of an intrusive society in which predominant sections still measure a woman's worth by her fertility, there is a strong need for couples to be strong about it and find their own groove of happiness.
    Appreciate your being frank and having the courage to be open about it !

  11. Very, very inspiring, Vinita! I have friends who have been struggling with infertility issues - and this is something that I'm going to forward to them.

  12. Congratulations!! Thanks so much for being so forthright and opening up about your experiences. I'm sure it will help many couples with the same issue.

  13. I agree..our society is definitely insensitive towards infertile couples. I have met many people who are afraid to speak up and share their pain. Thanks for reading..

  14. Hi Meena, Thanks for reading...Please do send them and ask them to join the Facebook group "Aadhar".

  15. Thanks Roshni. I hope it does help other people. That has been my whole aim by being so vocal.

  16. Rachna Srivastava Parmar25 February 2013 at 12:01

    I have always appreciated you for speaking about infertility. I have seen some people suffer in silence. And kudos to you for starting Aadhaar. We need these sanctuaries to connect with people going through what we are going through.

  17. Thanks Rachna. Many people don't have the support of their spouse and family and hence cannot speak so openly..

  18. It requires immense courage to talk about your personal experiences. I'm sure you are an inspiration for scores of couples facing similar issues.

  19. Thanks Purba. I believe this courage comes because of the support of my family and the understanding of friends.

  20. I just chanced upon ur blog and loved the humor in what u write!


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