Heroine- A Movie Review

For want of something to do on a Friday night, hubs and I ended up watching the Movie 'Heroine'. The director who gave us gut wrenching Movies like Chandni Bar, and Fashion that gave a National award to Priyanka Chopra, is not able to create the same spark with 'Heroine'. This Movie could not keep the high I had, after watching a beautiful movie like 'Barfi'.

Image Courtesy: Wikepedia
This Movie is in the typical Madhur Bhandarkar format, where he portrays the rise and fall of the the main character 'Mahi Arora' played by the beautiful Kareena Kapoor. The Movie is very predictable, just like the rising gold prices .The canvas is so similar to Bhandarkar's other Movies that you can actually guess what is going to happen in the next shot.

The Movie starts at a good pace but starts losing its grip very soon. Firstly, the Movie is peppered with too many characters that are one dimensional and then you have the requisite Gay fashion designer who is more of a caricature, the bitchy actresses, super bitchy journalists, womanising heroes and haughty star wives who keep their husband on a leash. I am sure you got my drift. 

The Movie keeps meandering in the first half and you wonder 'What is it, that the director wants to say through this Movie?'. The only saving grace is Kareena, whose performance is superb as the actress who comes from a broken home and suffers from a bipolar disorder. She is shown to be vulnerable, bitchy and an erratic actress who learns that to survive in Bollywood, she needs to cross all limits. Mahi is shown to be constantly in search for love and happiness. She tries to find it and when she gets it, she rejects it for something else. 

Kareena does justice to her role and is a treat to watch. She effectively comes across as a person who is troubled and is slowly losing control over her life. Arjun Rampal, is shown to be a playboy who is in love with Mahi but is commitment phobic. I felt, he was a bit wooden in certain scenes.Randeep Hooda is a cricketer who is  madly in love with Mahi. When he proposes to her, she rejects him and chooses her own career over love. His character seems a little impractical, as he does not understand the reason as to why Mahi is giving importance to her career over marriage. Does he not know that a heroine has a very short shelf life in Bollywood and marriage can end their career?

It is more difficult to like this Movie cause the story of Mahi never touches your heart. Her pain does not become your pain. The story is neither about an underdog like in Dirty picture, nor is it about the trials and tribulations of the human spirit, like in Chandni Bar. It is a plain linear narrative of a character called Mahi, without giving any depth to her character. 

The ending of the movie is abrupt and a liittle unbelievable. It looks as if the Director did not know how to end the Movie and so hastily put something to end it. 

I will give the Movie 2.5 starts out of 5 only because of Kareena and her acting. Would recommend all you good people to save your money and watch it free, when it is aired on Television. Save that money and go watch 'Barfi' again.

Movie: Heroine
Cast: Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Rampal, Randeep Hooda
Director: Madhur Bhandarkar


  1. I have never been a fan of Madhur Bhandarkar's brand of cinema. His movies might have "shocking" subject matter, but his treatment is always over-the-top. Plus, the production values of his films are below average, now that we have been exposed to very polished film making.
    Usually, his films are rescued by the performers - Tabu in Chandni Bar, or Kangna in Fashion, or Konkona in Page 3. Looks like even Kareena's hard work will not be able to save this one.
    And yet, having said all that, I might still watch it! hehhehh...

  2. i honestly didnt have any high hopes for this movie.. it seemed too formulaic.. like 'Fashion' all over again. Seems that it has ended up exactly like that.

  3. Okay, I shall wait for the film to play on TV. I guess MB's films are quite similar with stock characters such as the gay man, bitchy woman et al.

    Have a good day.

    Joy always,

  4. MB has fallen into a rut and all his movie run in the same vein...I never had much hopes from this movie, because no person will dare to go for truth and rest we have seen so many times.

  5. That is true about all MB films. Also his movies are never three dimensional. Go ahead and watch it just for Kareena :)

  6. I just went out of curiosity and with an open mind, When the movie started I could actually guess what was going to be the next scene, it is that predictable except the end.

  7. Save your money. Go and watch Barfi Susan, if you have not watched it.

  8. What you say is true Renu. Most of what is in the Movie, we have already seen it happening in real life of these actors.

  9. Rachna Srivastava Parmar23 September 2012 at 11:57

    Thank you for a lovely review, Vinita. I have the feeling that he could not do brazenly to his own industry as he did to other industries. So, he might have ended up with caricatures. I have enjoyed his other movies mostly for the sterling performances of the female leads. I guess I will wait for it to come on Showcase or TV :).

  10. i like kareena's acting and was looking forward to the film though the trailers promised a rehased,been there done that stuff ! your review plus a bunch of others on the same reiterates the formula stuff- yup will wait for the movie to make an appearance on tv

  11. oh my dear Lazy Pineapple, I admire you for one going to the theatre to watch, and then writing a review, which gives the movie a mild harsh rating... :) I had an OMG feeling when I saw your title, slanting towards sympathy :P :P

  12. great review,,,, I wasnt sure but after this I knw how the movie is.


  13. 2.5 is not good for me, I only go for 5 /5 when it comes to hindi movies.. as otherwise you end up wasting 4-5 hours .. travelling then sitting in the cinema.. and I surly cant afford to waste so many hours ..

    No wonder i hardly watch a hindi movies in a cinema that last i was in uk was delhi belly more than a year ago.. I will definitely give this one a BIG MISS :)

    SO which movie has you recently seen to get 5/5 or 4.5 :)


  14. I totally understand Bikram. When I was in UK, I must have seen just a couple of Hindi movies in the Cinema. Would suggest you to see Barfi. It is lovely.

  15. :) It is easier to see Bollywood movies when you are in India. Thanks for our sympathy PB :)

  16. kareena has acted really well. Yes it is that same rehashed stuff. Better to see it on TV..

  17. Thanks Rachna :) I think he actually did not have any material as all our Hindi news channels and other channels keep airing about all these actors so much that we already know their stories :P

  18. Thanks styledestino :) I am glad I was able to help you decide whether to see it..

  19. JUst came back from the hall and after Barfi, this was quite a disater.
    I agree with you about the last part--- undoubtedly it was abrupt!! Perhaps, Bhandarkar didn't know what to do with his protagonist!!. The movie remains a string of drab cliches, despite a strong performance from leading actress Kareena....
    Enjoyed reading your thoughts...

  20. Hi Panchali, Thanks for reading the blog. Some of the scenes really grated on my nerves. Especially the ones with the gay designer. Why does MB have to make Gay men so effeminate...

  21. OK Ma'am! Barfi it will this weekend and not Heroine!! And will wait till it comes on TV! :D

  22. Suggestion accepted! Thank you!

  23. Hope you enjoy Barfi as much as I did. I am saving you money :P

  24. I never heard of these. I guess I have to get out more! Or maybe just come to the UK!


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