Hello There

Let me reintroduce myself, I am Vinita aka Lazy Pineapple. I thought the introduction was necessary since I have not posted in a long time. How have you all been? what's new in the blogging world?

I have loads to catch up on and loads to share with you too. Life has been quite hectic since I have come back to India last year. It is one year since I been back and life has been moving at a break neck speed. I managed to co-author a book, underwent a surgery and started my own content writing company.

I have already shared the details of the book with you in my previous posts. As for the surgical procedure, it was not life threatening but was routine only that I had to go under general anesthesia which freaked me out. Before the procedure I suddenly remembered all Robin Cook's books and people dying while getting operated. But I am in one piece and well.

I started my own content writing company 'Write Solutions' and have one employee at the moment and that is me :)  I am still in the process of making the website and will share the details with you once I have completed it. Since then, I have written for many websites and clients in India and UK and I finally found something that I enjoy doing a lot. Content writing eats away most of my time so I had no time for blogging but now I have vowed to try harder and make time for my hobby and reconnect with all the friends whom I love reading.
I missed reading all the wonderful posts and the banter with you all.

I am currently in Mumbai and would love to meet up any bloggers who live here. Please do drop a line.

Thanks again for sticking around and reading my posts. I love ya all.

P.S: A special thanks to my dear friend Shraddha for pushing me to write again. 


  1. All the best for your company! Congratulations and cheers! :D

  2. Hey Vinita! So good to see you back! Hearty congratulations and wishing you the very best!
    See you around!
    Cheers :)

  3. heya good to see you back!!

    let me know whenever the mumbai meet materializes, shall do my best to meet up!

  4. So we are in same boat...I was away from blogging world for like 4 months now... Yours is the first blog I am checking... Lot of things happened for good:)

    Good to know abt your writing... I am in mumbai too... would love to meet with you some time!

    Take care.

  5. Hey Good to see you back after ages .

    Good to hear the surgery went well and that you are fine ..
    congrats on the opening of your own company .. all the best ,,


  6. Good to see you back LP! :) It has been a while..missed you around here. Congrats on starting the content writing company...glad the surgery went well...and I was in Bombay last month...here's hoping to see you blog regularly again!

  7. Good to see you back and congrats on your new endeavour

  8. mmmm ... ya .. *scratches head* oh ok ok you are the lazy pineapple ;) :P btw , I do remember you :P

    Glad to see you back and all the best for your startup :)

  9. So proud of you Vinita....all the best for your new venture :)

  10. welcome back madam :) almost after an year,han?

    Any way hope things are settled down at your end and wow your own company? Sounds pretty neat :)

    Good Luck and may you have more employees in future other than you ;)

    come back to writing I say,please? :)

  11. Welcome back Vinita. So good that you safely came out healthy after the surgery.

    Congrats on the content writing break. someone is going places :)

  12. Above topic are new one for me. i get it some new ideas through your blog.

  13. Good to see you back to writing on your blog. Now please write a little more often. ;)

  14. Great to have u back. Looking forward to more frequent blog posts from u and news about the company that you've just begun. It is a bold move but with the kind of support that u r sure to get from interested entities, its sure to go a long way. All the best.

  15. Hello ! This is the first post of yours that I'm reading, on any hand, Welcome back :)


  16. glad to see ur back...and good luck on ur new venture :)
    p.s. asking As an anaesthetist, i hope the GA was fun :)

  17. All the best for your new venture and welcome back.Nagpur has a special place in my heart and now I am a Mumbaikar.Whenever you plan a meet,do drop a line.

  18. Well. I too was off blogging for awhile. So you got company. And hope you are doing fine health wise and writing wise.

  19. Hey nice to have you blogging again. And congrats both for coming out in one piece out of the surgery and for starting your own content writing outfit. All the best Vinita :)

  20. Lazy Pineapple!!
    love the title totally!
    happy blogging!

  21. Hey LP! Congrats on the company! It must be awesome to do what you love :)

    I just remembered your blog all of a sudden today and thought I should drop by. Glad I did!

    Wish I was in Mumbai so we could meet :( But still in Singers and Baby no.2 on the way, so probably not many posts from me next year :D Drop in a linw when you can :)


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