First of all ‘Tons of Thanks’ to all you blogger friends out there who have still stuck on even after I have been on blogging hiatus for more than 3 months now. I had a valid reason guys, I let the ‘Cat out of the Bag’ in my last post. I was so touched by your wishes, it feels so good to be a part of a blogging community which is loving, kind and appreciative.

My book was released on the 19th October in Nagpur. Published by Denett & Co., a Nagpur based publishing house. It was a an ecstatic moment for me, more so as I had never imagined that I would be writing a book in a span of two months after stepping off the shores of ‘The British Isles’. It was a dream which materialized after a chance meeting with my co-author ‘Ashutosh Shrivastava’ just three days after leaving Lancaster.

In the beginning it all seemed too hard as I was not used to the weather in India. I had to shelve all the plans to meet up friends and family in India whom I had not met in three years. It needed a lot of brainstorming with Ashutosh and tons of hours on my trusty laptop to come out with the book. I was closeted in my bedroom with my laptop missing out on all the fun and relaxation I had been looking forward too.

Since both of us have had experience in the media Industry and especially in newspaper Industry, it was the best topic to write a book on. Our book delves on the current status of the Indian newspaper industry and the radical changes it needs to adopt in today’s volatile market in order to survive. It is an easy read without unnecessarily using big words to baffle the reader. We wanted a book which could be read by any person even someone who is not from the media world.

Hey, I had warned you in my last post about me babbling about the book and most of you had promised to tolerate me.

The book release ceremony was simple and was held at a three star Hotel in Nagpur. We had dignitaries for the book release and also the keynote speech on the book after which we served ‘High Tea’ and mingled around with the paparazzi answering questions.
The book was released by ‘ Mr. Devendra Fadnavis’ MLA, South-West Nagpur who has also been the youngest ex-Mayor of Nagpur. He gave a short and sweet speech about the book and appreciated our writing efforts.

The keynote speaker was ‘ Mr. Sanjay Arora, CEO of Shells Advertising Inc.  He spoke about the changing facets of the Newspaper industry worldwide and supported our beliefs about how the Indian Newspaper industry needs to change in order to survive.

It was an event which will forever stay close to my heart as I had many of my family and friends attending the function to show their support and love. The only hitch being hubs and my two sisters who were not able to make it to the function.

My mothers words are still ringing in my ears ‘You were the only women sitting on the dais amongst all this men. you have made us proud’.These words just made me forget all the hardships and sleepless nights. It was all worth it.

I am getting kinda sentimental. So before I make you tearful. Here are a few photos from the function.
The Venue of the Book Release- Hotel Centre Point,Solitaire, Nagpur


The Paparazzi :P


Me- Introducing our guests

The Book Release
Amit Mujumdar ( Denett & Co.), Sanjay Arora(Keynote Speaker), Devendra Fadnavis(Guest of Honor),
Ashutosh Shrivastava (Co-author) and Vinita Kherdekar (Me)

Family, friends and people from media industry

Mr. Devendra Fadnavis declaring the book as released

P.S: Thank you all for being such lovely people. I would love to meet up bloggers in Mumbai. Are you guys listening? You have my email id…drop me a line.


  1. wowww congratulationzzzzzz :D ... :D wish you good luck :)

  2. WOW!!! So proud of you! Keep writing, you are so good. And remember to keep that autographed copy for me:-)) Talk to you soon.

  3. Hey ..It was nagpur ..should have invited me..! if you are still here . Visit the yellow tent in Agriculture college ground opposite Maharaj bagh . I think you might like whats going on in there. And yes plez tell me where can i get a copy of your baby..Thast is the book ..!!

  4. Congratulations! It must have been such a proud moment for you! It was wonderful seeing the pics!

    All the best! And here's to many more book releases like this :)

  5. great going!!
    heres to hajaar reprints!!!!


  6. Congratulations Vinita!! Great going!! :)
    Cheers :)

  7. Wow congrats Lazy P! I'll definitely look for your book at Starmark or Crossword once it comes out. And btw I think I know Sanjay Arora from twitter.

  8. Hearty congratulations Vinita. all your blogger and FB friends are proud of you! Wonderful pics capture the moments of glory.

    Stay connected dear :)

  9. Congrats and wishing you many more book releases! btw, you haven't mentioned the title of the book. And how come you will be meeting bloggers in Mumbai? Relocating?

  10. May this be just first of many such evenings:)

  11. That must have been such a proud moment. Congratulations to you. I am sure there will be many more such moments in your life in future...

  12. congrats.. wishing you all the best and more success in the days to come :)

  13. Congrats!! Keep 'em comin!!

  14. Congrats L Pine...that some achievement...and you look great...tall and smart!

  15. YAY LP :) The pics gave a nut-shell description of how it went :)

    Your mothers' line made me proud too :)

  16. hearty congrats! will surely look for it next time i go book hunting.

  17. Vini :), I feel proud to have an author friend :). By the way I read the book and really liked it. I read almost 60 pages in my flight to Ah'd and the rest once I was home.

    Fantastic work! And as I said earlier in Bombay, your pen shouldn't stop!!! We are waiting to read more books from you :). Happy writing errrrrrr...may be happy typing ;).


  18. congrats!! u have forgot to mention the book title in the post :) The keynote speaker is known to us as chiefsanjay on twitter :)

  19. oh balle ballle
    wadhiyaan wadhaiyaaan ji

    congratssssssss and you got the paparazzzi toooo oooh i am so jealous now :)

    Bikram's Question time

  20. Congratulations and Celebrations. Wonderful news. Great Job !!

  21. Hello Lazy Pineapple, you aren't as lazy as a pineapple though.
    Congrats on becoming a published writer and your excitement is completely visible in your lines making the readers excited.
    Waiting for one of the blogs to come up with a review of your book - an unbiased review.
    Congratulations once again!!

  22. Wow this is really wow. Congratulations!!!!!
    This is something u will remember for the rest of ur life!!

  23. so when is the next post ????

  24. phew finally can comment..congrats uuuuu! i can imagien wat a proud set of parents u must b having now :) n d book royalties doesnt hurt either m keep blogging....sure loved ur posts LP! :)

  25. phew finally can comment..congrats uuuuu! i can imagien wat a proud set of parents u must b having now :) n d book royalties doesnt hurt either m keep blogging....sure loved ur posts LP! :)


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