A contest and an Entry

Hi friends,

The good folks at Indimag have launched a writing contest 'Kathasagar' and I have taken part in it.
You can find my story 'Killer Instinct' if you head over to Indimag website.

I would truly appreciate if you could log in at Indimag and cast your vote 'for me' to help me win this competition. I know it is a pain to log in at a random website to cast your vote. Even if you hate the story still cast your vote, cause I know how much you love me.

Thank you for your vote and I definitely owe you one.

Here is a teaser for you :)

Jake saw Helen walking in front of him. The crunch of leaves under their feet resounded in the lonely woods.  She was excited about their weekend away from the city. Jake remembered the first day he had met Helen.

They had met during group grief counseling. Helen had found her fiance David murdered in their Apartment. She was trying to deal with his death and her own feelings. She had spoken about her nightmares and dreams during grief counseling. They all had to talk about the loss and how they were dealing with it.


  1. the teaser has really got me hooked :D

  2. the teaser has me hooked booked and zonked,.. im heading to indimag rightaway..
    and as for you dear lady..
    here's something for you..


  3. Voted :)

    All the best! Hope you win!

  4. You betcha, I'll definitely vote for you today. Good luck!

  5. Heyy,good going..but, it says 'voting is disabled', if stars are not showing.Maybe its beyond the last date??

  6. lol!!! No need for so much makkhanbaazi ;-)

    Am heading there :P

  7. Raklakshmi : I hope you liked it as much as the teaser.

    Megzone: Oh Thanks so much for the award :) *hugs*

    Magiceye: Thank you for your support :)

    Smitha : Thanks so much for Voting :)

    Me-Me: Thank you dear for your vote :)

    Amit: you have to register on the website. Sorry about that :( thanks :) in advance

    Smita: hehehe....thanks dear....I thought the registering at the website needed a bit of greasing ;)

  8. Wonderful plot!!
    I came across your blog through your entry at Indimag.

    It's my first visit here and I simply loved your blog and the header.

    Keep up the good work :)


  9. okies-registered and voted..:)

  10. Very good story, LP. I shall vote for this. Hey in response to your comment for full information on history to be made available to future generation, I wish to say that thanks to advanced technology you can rest assured that every single word that is written today is being stored in archives and will be read by our future generations.

  11. Chatterbox : Thanks so much, I am really flattered :)

    Amit: Thanks dear :) I owe you one.

    Saras : Thanks you and welcome to my blog.

  12. Chatterbox : Thanks so much, I am really flattered :)

    Amit: Thanks dear :) I owe you one.

    Saras : Thanks you and welcome to my blog.

  13. Voted :)

    All the best! Hope you win!

  14. the teaser has really got me hooked :D


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