CARried Away

Lots of you visited my blog to read my last post. Even if you were here for some thrills, I am thankful that you stopped by, who am I to judge anyone when I can write about it. Its settled then, you are not mad at me for tricking you. I am glad we understand each other so well.

For the past two days hubs and I have been praying for the speedy recovery of one of our loved one. She is a great lady and has been a support to us for the past year in this foreign country. We tried to find a cure for her illness but it seems that her time has come. We are not yet ready to say our goodbyes. My heart is heavy and I cannot breathe as I am all choked up.

Okay.....I can't do this...I suck at this.

I am talking about our car. It is surviving on borrowed time and very soon it will be joining the heap of dead cars. It is kinda old and I can't blame it for dying on us. Getting it repaired will cost us more than buying another second hand car.

First time hubs encountered a problem, he took the car to a garage to get it checked out. The mechanic fiddled under the hood and gave him a list of things wrong with car but was unable to give any solution to the actual problem. He then took the car to a number of other garages in town and finally had to drive to a dealership in another town. The problem got resolved and we had to pay through our noses to get it repaired.

I am always  in awe of people like car repairmen, plumbers and electricians. They speak a language which I cannot fathom. Gaskets, radiators, suspension fluids, flange and pinion. Don't they sound so alien? Talk to me about spreadsheets, widgets, html and blogging dudes and see who is winner then.

Yesterday, we went to find a replacement and oh! boy, we could not find anything in our budget. Most of them are too expensive and the rest are just chunks of metal who are on their last legs. It is going to be a tough task to find a replacement and not to forget that  recession still has a choke-hold on us.

Have you ever had to buy a second hand car? Do you have any tricks up your sleeve and things to look for while buying a car. Please share with me your pearls of wisdom.

Till then, I will tootle on to find another car while you enjoy this video.

 Courtesy : 2bitcomic , youtube


  1. I was quite surprised to see the beginning of the post,LP..was sure it'd be about a cat or a kitten or something..but,a car?hahaha..reminded me of Archie Comics ole jalopy-sometimes it's engine's fallen out,sometimes it's been submerged into water,and when it runs,it gives him a roller coaster kinda ride,free!!:)
    Waise, if there's no import duty there, why not make a Dubai trip? Hundreds of cars left there by the poor people who were jobless and couldn't repay their loans,are being auctioned by banks,I heard-and, the price is-guess what?whatever the pending loan amount-so,if one out of 12 installments was pending, u get it at 1 installment price.

  2. Oh! no!! RIP Vini's car. Sorry, no tricks or tips about buying used cars. It is a luck of draw I suppose. Hope you find a replacement soon.

  3. One tip only: No Toyota Prius's!


  4. Amit : Oh yeah! Archie's could I forget that :) . If you can send the car by mail from Dubai it will be a great help heheh...

    Anju: Yeah it is....sp luck it is then.

    Quirky: Ahhh yes no Toyota Prius's....better to walk around and be without a car, right? :)

  5. hehehe all I can say here is "may you get your dream car soon"

  6. smita : Thanks :) I hope so too...if god is benevolent enough and grants us a BMW in our budget.

  7. You got me there for a second. I was really worried as I thought it may be some real good friend of yours. GOOD ONE! I am the sentimental kind so its very easy to get me all teary. I do hope you find a car soon. All the Best

  8. Kavita : Thanks :) aww me too quite cry away.

  9. hihi...
    Well extravagant description for a car I must say, Never seen such a sentimental description for a car, hop you find your dream-car soon...

  10. Interesting start to the post. Well cars do jell with the family and its kind off difficult to part with them for some.
    No advice for second hand cars. Just take the one which you and ur hubs feels good.All the best for a good buy !!

  11. The analyst : This shows my deep attachment for a hunk of meatal. hee hee. Thanks..

    Subu: Yes you got it....especially when some good memories are attached with the car . Thanks :)

  12. even i thought u were losing a friend.. i mean a person a human.. :D

    but i can totally relate to the sentiments attached to ur car.. my dad wants to sell ours and i am havig a tough time trying to convince him against it..

  13. Pooja: heehee...sorry about that...
    It is difficult to part away with things you come to have memories attached to it and they are so precious :)

  14. ha i was planning to buy one , now have to think again

  15. hehhe can get quite good deals...just have to find a goood car.

  16. Touching, heart warming post as always.

    I had an electric blue Maruti car that I was greatly attached to. It was of sentimental value but it was failing and I had to give it away. When i read your post, it reminded of the same car. It's hard to let go coz somethings are associated with fond memories but at times, you have to look for logical options even when you know you are more happier feeling and thinking from the heart.

    I hope you find your dream car coz I too am the sentimental type.

  17. sanand : aww so sweet...thanks :)
    It becomes difficult to let go....great memories. But practicality rules...

  18. I have barely got over the pain of selling of our first car...I hear you

  19. The knife: Peace be with you..sob sob. Thanks for sharing the pain.

  20. Interesting start to the post. Well cars do jell with the family and its kind off difficult to part with them for some.
    No advice for second hand cars. Just take the one which you and ur hubs feels good.All the best for a good buy !!


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