And it's a 100

I hit a Century with this post. (Imagine, I am taking a bow to your thunderous clapping)

A big thanks to all the Readers who so valiantly have still stuck around since the start of this Blog. A big welcome to new Readers.

This blog started off as a whim. It has now become an outlet for my thoughts and emotions. I am very happy and surprised that I have authored 100 stories. Posts which have topics ranging from Tiger conservation, movie reviews and personal life.

I look forward to writing the next 100 with equal gusto for which I will need your continued readership, comments and motivation. Thank you once again.


  1. *claps*...hearty congrats...may a 'zero' keep getting added to 100, every few weeks/months...great going.Always a pleasure to read the posts here.:):)

  2. Congrtazzzz Lady muah...Love readin ya posts

  3. Amit : Thanks a lot...such inspiration makes me enthusiastic about writing :)

    Shipra : awww thanks sweety.....

  4. Congratulations! Sis!!! Great job. Keep up the good work for many 100 more posts. :)

  5. Thanks sis :) for your wishes...

  6. that is quite a milestone! congratulations! u surely aren't lazy :)

  7. Hi Vinita: I finally got a chance to read some of your posts. Great work...Keep it up!

  8. Mihir : Thanks a lot :)

    Anand: Thanks for your kind words. Do keep dropping in....


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