Tag 'o' Mania

Amit tagged me recently and I thought this as a good way to put up something on my blog after ages. Here it is

A.Attached or Single?
Attached and very Happily

B. Best Friend?
Very many good friends...

C: Cake or pie?
Cake it is

D. Drink of choice?
Water or Orange Juice.

E. Essential item you use every day?
Laptop and mobile.

F. Favorite color?

G. Gummy bears or worms?

H. Hometown?
Nagpur- The orange city

I. Favorite indulgence?
Reading and watching movies

J. January or July?
January when in India. July since I am in UK.

K. Kids & their names?

None so far.

L. Life isn’t complete without?
Family and friends, good food, good books and travelling to new places.

M. Marriage date?

N.Number of Siblings?
2 older sisters

O. Oranges or Apples?
Oranges and more oranges.

P. Phobias?

Dirty Restrooms.

Q. Quotes?

'Whatever Happens, Happens for the best'

R. Reasons to smile?

a good joke.

S. Season?
The winters in India and the summer in UK.

T. Tag people:
Anyone reading this post and finding the tag interesting.

U. Unknown fact about me?

I am a good cook.

V. Vegetable?


W. Worst habit?

I hate exercising.

X. X-ray you've had?
Arm and chest Xray.

Y. Your favorite food?

Z. Zodiac sign?


  1. Ah,that was fast,LP!!:)Great tag..gives a bit more of an insight into you!!
    Drink of choice-water or orange juice..so nice-I was wondering whether anyone would mention water.:)
    Quotes: That one's my second favourite,after the one I mentioned.:)
    Unknown fact- is noted down for whenever we all meet,someday!!haha!
    Cheerio!And,how about the other tag,now-the handwritten one?

  2. hey amit : yes i will do that too...
    I like your quote a lot. And yes about cooking..you are most welcome anytime to drop in to UK :)

  3. hey amit : yes i will do that too...
    I like your quote a lot. And yes about cooking..you are most welcome anytime to drop in to UK :)


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