Clash of the Titans

I know the title is much too dramatic but yes that's what comes to mind when I think about the day 'A' (Hubs Darling) met daddy dearest.

For all those people who don't know my father, here is a bit of a glimpse. He is a sweet man who believes in simplicity in life. He is very straightforward when it comes to things which concern his family. Very astute about money and has worked really hard to give us a good life. He is an extremely quiet man and has no clue how to do idle chitchat. My Mother is quite opposite in terms of talking and they suit each other perfectly. She can talk nineteen to dozen and just needs a faithful audience.

'A' and I decided to get married and we informed our respective parents. My father wanted to meet 'A' (typical filmy ishtyle) and so I called 'A' over for tea. Even though I had given him an idea of how things will proceed, 'A' was tremendously nervous since he was meeting my father for the first time.

The meeting was scheduled for 5 pm and 'A' arrived on time, smartly dressed and neat and tidy. My father was sitting in the living room and once 'A' settled down the official interview started. I was in the kitchen listening to the conversation holding my breath.

There was absolute silence for a more than ten minutes and I started imagining my Father and 'A' dressed in armour with their swords drawn and the music of 'Mahabharata' in the background. The silence was equally unnerving for 'A' who was sweating buckets (not because of the Heat of Nagpur) and waiting to get massacred .

The first question itself was a shocker, 'How much do you earn?'. Since I know my father so well, I know he will not waste his time and energy in pleasantries of any sort but get right to the point.
'A' stammered out the figure, hoping in hope that the bad part is over.

The next question was even tougher, 'How will you manage in this salary?'. 'A' sucked in his stomach and confidently answered the question in spite of feeling cornered like a deer in the headlights of a car.
In retrospect, I feel my father was happy with the way 'A' tackled the 'googlies' thrown at him, cause he then proceeded to ask him about his family and other inane stuff. 'A' had passed his test and I started breathing normally.

Even though I have been married for nearly a decade, it still brings out horrified looks from 'A' and giggles from me whenever we talk of that day. My father is still the same and asks questions about our finances and how much we are saving whenever we speak to him on the phone across the 'Saat Samundars' . Only difference is, 'A' is now used to my paters questions and is no longer in the hot seat.

P.S:I have a good mind to ask my father,what made him give us the green signal for marriage.


  1. Apropos your postscript - the fact that he courageously asked for your hand and fended off the stress test questions? :-)

  2. heheh Gayu....I know Ani still shivers when he thinks of that day :)

  3. Nice post. I can only imagine the situation of your husband...
    nice post

  4. thanks hashir...I know was quite tough for him

  5. Enjoyed reading.. felt like a scene straight out of bollywood

  6. Thanks Amit....yes it did feel like a bollywood movie at that time. Do keep dropping in...

  7. Thanks Amit....yes it did feel like a bollywood movie at that time. Do keep dropping in...


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