The Award goes to....

Hello Everyone I would like to award the Brilliante Weblog Premio Award to 'Cynic in Wonderland'.

I simply love the way she writes and every post is superb.....everytime I read her blog...I am laughing my head off...Keep up the good work...


  1. Hi,there-coming here via your link in Cyn's blog..:) A very deserving award you've given there,to her!!Coz her posts make me smile too,each time.
    Now,let me read some of ur blog writings.:)Do drop by my blog sometime.:)

  2. Thanks for dropping by....
    I came to 'Cynics' blog randomly last year and have been hooked since then.

    Will surely check out ur blogs...


  3. thank you so very much aquarius. really appreciate it! i had written a post on this sometime back. in one of my particularly uninspired moments

    and once again. please keep on coming and visiting my blog. I LOVE COMMENTORS!(commentators?)

  4. Your welcome cynic...u deserve the award...
    I checked the limerick and its sweet..

    Yes I will surely keep coming...and please do comment on my posts too...



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