Is India Shining

Yeah I guess,it is right now in the it shining or a very debatable topic. Yes of course I am talking of the heinous terrorist attack on Mumbai,India.

The media has very(as usual) packaged the massacre and given a very saleable name calling it "India's 9/11." Well if it was India's 9/11 , is India reacting the way USA did after the 9/11?? thats the question which needs to be answered.

The politicians have reacted so predictably, selling themselves at every given opportunity. Do they really think we canot see through the sham?? They even managed to insult families of the dead. How much lower can they fall still? Heads rolled and the blame game was as usual, with people resigning from their posts...which by the way they can win back in the next elections...does this make any sense??

The media gave a nonstop account of the happenings in Mumbai. They harrased victims and their families. They asked uncomfortable questions to families waiting for any news of loved ones held hostage.It was bizarre....I felt I have somehow been transported to Kargil war after watching 'Barkha Dutt' becoming hysterical and increasing the terror of people watching the News. Is this responsible Journalism??

People of Mumbai are angry and so is entire India and Indians across the Globe. Inspite of Mumbai being attacked so many times by terrorists, when is the goverment going to wake up? Its the financial capital of India and a gateway to India for anyone who wants to travel, do business or setup a business in our beautiful country.

I am so far away from India but am saddened by the turn of events. Terrorism is the truth of modern world which we cannot ignore. It affects everybody's life be it any country.

Is Mumbai's Spirit and in turn India's spirit slowly dying??

Only time will tell whether the questions in my mind and also in the minds of my fellow countrymen will ever be answered.

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  1. now India needs a judiciary reform.....

    njoy my blog


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