My Super Sweet 16

I was flipping the channels on the telly as usual with the want for seeing a sane program. After watching innumerable re-runs of my ever favorite series 'Friends'. I dared to experiment and came to a program called "My Super Sweet 16". The program is produced in U.S of A and revolves around the 16th Birthday Celebration of a Super Rich Brat.

It starts off with the chap or chappy introducing themselves and showing off their rich lifestyle. Yesterday it was all about a girl who was dumb as a doorknob with a whiny voice. She wants a Horse for her Birthday, also gets a Cadillac since she hates her Ford and throws her Party in some huge mall with more than 100 people invited. The theme is Las Vegas so you have showgirls , magician ,poker tables and what not. Plus there was some celebrity singer who came and performed (I have no clue who he was).

The girl was to dress as a Barbie and so she needed her Ken to escort her to her Birthday. They round up some of the so called "hottest Boys" in town and call them over for audition. They are to be good looking and intelligent the girl and her friends take a quiz and ask the boys to strip from waist this point my brain was about to explode in a million pieces...

I really did not have the stamina to watch anymore after this...all this for turning 16???

Do people really watch that show??? I guess they must be. I really do not like these reality programs. Especially those which so such extravagance. WHAT DO YOU THINK?? Do you like such type of shows?

I remember my 16th Birthday. There were no celebrations since my Grandfather had passed away a few days back and we were in mourning. Also I was going to appear for my HSSC exams so it was a double whammo!!!.

I regretted the decision of me being brave and venturing into unchartered waters of new telly programs. I promptly searched for my all time favourite "Friends" and settled into the comfortable and familiar territory.


  1. Hey,
    Loved the way you have described the show. Now I feel its funnier to read about it rather than to watch it.....

    Well, guess what, we will have the same kinda stuff for your 50th B'day (not very far away...:P)



  2. you will turn 50 before me so don't forget


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