How to clean a Microwave oven

Welcome to my 'how to series'. I know all of you are waiting with bated breath for my pearls of wisdom.  We have already covered 'How to make cottage cheese' some days back. Today you will learn tricks on 'How to clean your Microwave’.

If you don't have a microwave, go and buy one, you 18th century dweller!

How can you live without one? foot is in my mouth, as usual.

After being domesticated for nearly a decade, I now have a few tricks up my sleeve on how to tackle with grimy tasks.

As newly married dutiful wife, I used to keep up with cleaning routine of the entire house. Scrub, polish, dust and all those domestic activities. But after a while, unpaid and thankless activities like these do make you think twice and you start to procrastinate. I thought let me have some entertainment at least. So, I devised a plan to see how long I can go without cleaning certain appliances till, Hubs noticed the stink coming from the fridge or the clothes came out still dirty from the washing machine and did something about it.

If you know men and how they will be men, so acutely observed by Smita at books, life and more , this plan sadly backfired and here is my sorry tale.

Yesterday, I went to heat my coffee in the microwave and the mug refused to detach from the glass plate. The glass plate was like a Petri dish waiting to be observed under the electron microscope. It looked like an experiment by a mad scientist on speed. I had to soak it for two hours and scrub it with hot soapy water after which it resembled something I could have bought.

The interior of the microwave was a mélange of colors. I went to search the user manual; I had no idea that we had bought a designer microwave. I was excited and shared the good news with hubs. He gave me a quizzical look and said 'Ahem!  Sweetie....I think it was white when we bought it'. The user manual said the same. I was adamant;’ they must have given us the wrong user manual'.

I decided to get to the bottom of this mystery. I sprayed the interior with a cleaning solution and started gently scraping the interior. The 'gentle' part was a mistake. I had to throw myself in with full gusto and scrubbed till my fingers cramped. At one point, I was just short of using the chisel and hammer to get through the hardened crust. The result was that my designer microwave was just plain white...sob! And I am now left with knobby bits of nails on my right paw.

The moral of the story is:

1) Don't procrastinate when it comes to cleaning microwaves (you will pay dearly, with no nails).

2) Do not use a chisel and hammer. Soak the glass dish. It usually works. For cleaning the interior you can use this trick.

3) Men will be men and will not notice funky smells, dirty appliances, unwashed clothes....ohhh the list is endless.

Or, you can simply do this
Click on the chart to enlarge

Copyright Credit: Project sidewalk

P.S.: People who have had food at my place are still alive. All their major organs are intact as far as I know. I have not been sued yet, for 'intention to cause bodily harm'.


  1. Ha! Ha!!! That is funny. A good one. :)

  2. Oh I agree with you. Life w/o Microwave isn't life at all!! We have pipeline at our home with underground gas storage & since yesterday there was no guess!! My microwave saved my life today :D

    And u r so bang on as far as cleaning is concerned!!! To start off I was like you & eventually errr! am like you even now ;-)

    But you know whats the best way to clean Microwave?? Put a bowl of water with some drops of vinegar in it & heat the water. After that clean the thing it wud be easier!!!

    And husbands to lets not even talk about!!! That day I was in a hurry and had left the iron on a stool (not the designated place). Later when my hubby needed the stool he kept the iron on the floor & went ahead with his work! So much for assuming that he wud keep it in its place!!! humph!!

    Hilarious post dear :)

  3. Anju : Thanks :)

    Smita :hahah yes men will be men :) you should hide the iron and not tell him where it is when he needs it.

    Yes, the vinegar idea is good...I have read about this bt have never tried it actually. Will give it a shot after another 6 months or so...when the micro needs cleaning again :P

  4. LOL..and,I thought 'how to make tea' would be interesting if I wrote about it...:)
    See,see...think devious and it bounces back right on u-no wonder the mug got stuck to the glass plate...*evil grin*..serves u right-never harbour such thoughts @ testing whether 'men will be men'..u know,sometimes we don't comment coz we're too polite and like peace around the house..(I'm sure,if Aniruddha is reading this,he'll be nodding his head)..:)

  5. Amit : Ha you should write on making tea and then I will make fun of you...heheh

    Yeah that idea always backfires on me....poor women and they are called devious. I think men are the most devious one can surpass them comes my eveil grin teeheehee...

  6. Who? Us, devious? Aniruddha,you listening? We're just too innocent, always wanting peace around the house and around the in-laws...:):):)

  7. YOU are Tagged! 40 questions - over at my blog - please oblige if you haven't done this yet :).

  8. Hi Shikha,

    Thanks for your Tag...will check it out.

  9. Enjoyed the Work flow of the typical corporate company!

  10. Thanks Rajandran :) glad you stopped by.

  11. LOL..and,I thought 'how to make tea' would be interesting if I wrote about it...:)
    See,see...think devious and it bounces back right on u-no wonder the mug got stuck to the glass plate...*evil grin*..serves u right-never harbour such thoughts @ testing whether 'men will be men'..u know,sometimes we don't comment coz we're too polite and like peace around the house..(I'm sure,if Aniruddha is reading this,he'll be nodding his head)..:)


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